You can expect a thorough and gentle hygiene visit while being treated like family. I will expertly provide a treatment plan and give you home care tips tailored to your needs to improve your oral health and smile.
– Lina Rios-Charton RDH
Hygienist RDH
I was born in Cali, Colombia, and grew up in Long Island, New York. Since 2013, I have been working as a dental hygienist, helping people maintain their oral health and ensuring beautiful bright smiles. I love spending quality time with my husband and our two beautiful children.
Phi Theta Kappa
Graduated magna cum laude
President's List
Dean's List
Ione Gilbert Award
Give Kids A Smile
Autism Speaks Walk
My family and I are avid fans of soccer and Orlando's famous theme parks. Traveling is another passion of ours since we enjoy discovering new places and creating lasting memories together. Recommend your favorite restaurant during your next appointment!
Business Management, St. John's University; Queens, NY
Dental Hygiene, State University of New York, Farmingdale State College; Farmingdale, NY
Schedule with
Lina Rios-Charton RDH
Schedule an appointment with us today to discover the difference of advanced, proven technologies, a full suite of services, and exceptional quality in dental care – all tailored to give you a healthier, happier smile.